Friday, October 11, 2024
Sometimes life can feel like we’re being tossed by forces beyond our control. Ken and I know that feeling all too well from our own real estate journey and our daily lives, but we’ve learned that real transformation doesn’t come from changing our circumstances. It’s about focusing on three key decisions we make every day: where we place our focus, how we interpret life’s events, and the actions we take. In this week’s episode of LIFE’s Inside Track, we share how these choices create the foundation for a life filled with joy, peace, and financial growth.
1. Focus on What Uplifts
Years ago, I used to spend a lot of time getting caught up in notifications, constantly checking my phone and filling my day with distractions. But then I realized how much this stole from what mattered most, like spending time with family, connecting with clients, and growing spiritually. I decided to turn off social media notifications, keeping my focus on what truly uplifts me instead. This small shift freed my time for things that add meaning to my day and protect my peace.
Ken and I both believe that each day is filled with choices about what to let into our minds. Are we focused on things that bring us joy and help us serve others, or are we letting distractions drain our energy? This choice to focus on what’s valuable has allowed us to protect our time, build deeper relationships, and grow in our purpose. Saying “no” to distractions and “yes” to what uplifts us has given us both clarity and joy in our work and LIFE.
2. Redefine Setbacks as Lessons
Life has thrown Ken and me plenty of setbacks, but one early in our journey stands out. When we were looking to buy our first home, the bank required a 50% down payment. It felt like a brick wall we couldn’t get around. Instead of letting that situation defeat us, we decided to see it as a lesson—a push to improve our financial habits and learn more about real estate investing.
This shift in meaning wasn’t easy, but it changed the trajectory of our lives. Rather than seeing challenges as roadblocks, we started to view them as chances to grow stronger, learn more, and build resilience. It wasn’t just a financial lesson; it was a life lesson. When we shift from “Why me?” to “What’s the lesson here?” we’re able to turn setbacks into stepping stones. In every challenge, we can find a way to grow. Whether facing a tough market or a life situation, reframing setbacks as lessons gives us the strength to keep moving forward.
3. Take LIFEgiving Actions
Ken and I often talk about LIFEsteps and DEATHsteps. It may sound dramatic, but every action we take moves us in one direction or the other. Simple choices, like drinking water over soda or choosing nutritious foods, are life steps—they add to our health and well-being. Conversely, actions that diminish our energy and spirit are “death steps,” slowly wearing us down.
Ken, who has dedicated himself to fitness and health, has found that hiring a fitness coach has been invaluable. I’ve also invested in spiritual guidance and coaching to strengthen my faith and my relationships. These LIFEsteps add up over time, helping us build a solid foundation for physical health, emotional peace, and even financial growth.
Our financial lives are no different. Taking LIFEgiving actions in finances means spending wisely, investing in assets that grow, and saving diligently. Over time, these actions contribute to building wealth, allowing us to leave a legacy that reflects our values and serves others. Each small decision, when done with intention, builds a pattern of LIFEgiving actions that shape who we become and the legacy we create.
Embracing a Purposeful Path
Every day, we have the chance to make choices that align with our values and God’s purpose for our lives. It’s not about perfection. It’s about making small, intentional choices that build up over time. By focusing on what uplifts us, viewing setbacks as valuable lessons, and choosing LIFEgiving actions, we create a life of fulfillment, resilience, and financial strength.
These three decisions have shaped not only our personal lives but also our real estate journey. They’ve taught us that while circumstances change, we can remain steady when we focus on what’s within our control. Through LIFE’s Inside Track, we’re excited to share these lessons with you, hoping you’ll find encouragement to build a life of purpose, wealth, and joy that honours the unique path God has for you.
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