Friday, August 30, 2024

When we think of wealth, our minds often jump to financial success—investments, real estate, and a secure future. But true wealth goes far beyond the numbers in our bank accounts. It’s about living a life rich in relationships, purpose, and fulfillment. And at the heart of this wealth is the understanding that we were designed for connection.

In the very beginning, God made it clear that it’s not good for us to be alone. Even in a perfect world, with a flawless relationship with Him, Adam was incomplete without a companion. This isn’t just a story from the past—it’s a truth that resonates deeply in our lives today. We were created not only for a relationship with God but also for relationships with those around us.

The Importance of Horizontal Relationships

Our relationships with others—whether it’s with a spouse, family, friends, or even our neighbors—are essential for our well-being. Research backs this up: married couples are up to 25% happier and live longer than their single counterparts. It’s not just about having someone to share life with; it’s about the profound impact these relationships have on our health, happiness, and overall quality of life.

But it’s not just about being in a relationship. It’s about the quality of that relationship. Are we nurturing it? Are we investing time, love, and effort into the people who matter most? God’s design is clear—we need these horizontal connections to thrive.

Self-Love: The Foundation of All Relationships

Jesus’ commandment to “love your neighbor as yourself” is a powerful reminder that the way we treat others is directly connected to how we see ourselves. If we struggle with self-love, it’s challenging to fully love those around us. That’s why it’s crucial to align our self-perception with how God sees us—worthy, valuable, and loved.

Taking the time to invest in self-love isn’t selfish; it’s necessary. When we love ourselves as God loves us, we can extend that love to others in a meaningful way, creating deeper, healthier relationships.

Community: Where We Find Belonging and Joy

Beyond individual relationships, being part of a community is vital for our happiness. Whether through a faith group, a social club, or a volunteer organization, connecting with others in a shared space brings a sense of belonging and purpose. Hebrews 10:25 encourages us not to neglect gathering together, highlighting the importance of community in our lives.

Interestingly, research shows that people who regularly participate in faith communities are not only happier but also more likely to volunteer and contribute to society. It’s a cycle of giving and receiving that enriches everyone involved.

Building Wealth Through Relationships

At the Dekker Team, we believe that building wealth isn’t just about real estate—it’s about building a life that’s rich in relationships, purpose, and fulfillment. That’s why we’re passionate about helping you not only achieve your financial goals but also live out God’s design for your life.

If you’re looking to deepen your relationships and create a life that truly reflects God’s plan, join us for our upcoming Building Wealth Wisely Workshop on September 25th. It’s an opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals, learn practical strategies, and start building the wealth that matters most.

Save your seats here!

Because at the end of the day, wealth is about much more than money—it’s about living a life full of love, connection, and purpose.