Friday, April 26, 2024

When things get busy, it’s easy for my responses to come off the wrong way. Sometimes, a quick text can seem cold or dismissive—that’s not the impression I want to give to anyone. Particularly someone who I want to trust and like me! Our voices do more than relay information—it sets the tone for our interactions. In real estate, where trust and rapport are key, the right tone can make clients feel respected and valued. But a poor choice of tone can do the opposite, creating distance where there should be connection. Let’s explore how the nuances of our speech can significantly influence our relationships in real estate.

Understanding the Power of Tone

Imagine a REALTOR® who responds to a client’s enthusiastic questions with a tone that sounds tired and disinterested because they’ve had a long day. The client may be so excited to have found a home they believe is perfect for them, and is disappointed to believe their agent doesn’t actually care if they find the right home. This might make the client feel like their interest isn’t shared, dampening their enthusiasm for the property and the agent. Or maybe the client is already worried about asking too many questions, and the agent’s tone convinces them their assumption is correct. The client no longer feels free to ask for clarity, while the REALTOR® has no idea what has happened to the relationship. 

Conversely, maintaining a composed tone during tense negotiations can help defuse potential conflicts and guide discussions toward positive resolutions. Let’s say a buyer is upset after discovering an unforeseen issue during a home inspection. Instead of matching the buyer’s frustration, the REALTOR® responds calmly and assures the buyer that they will work together to address the concern and can help soothe the buyer’s anxiety and keep the negotiations on track. 

Choosing the Right Communication Channel

In the world of real estate, clear communication isn’t just helpful—it’s essential. That’s why I always recommend having important discussions in person, or at least via phone or video calls like Zoom. These methods allow for the nuances of tone and inflection to be fully appreciated and understood. When we rely solely on texting or emailing, it’s so easy for someone to misconstrue your tone. Without the subtle cues provided by our voices, a simple message intended to reassure, such as ‘We’ll handle it,’ can appear dismissive or even indifferent. If there is any potential for my client or another REALTOR® to feel emotionally charged about what we’re talking about, I always make a point to speak about it in person, or at least on the phone. 

Making Every Interaction Count

I make it a priority to ensure each client interaction is free from distractions. Simple actions like turning off the TV or choosing a quiet spot for a discussion show that I respect their time and am fully engaged in meeting their needs.

I also customize my conversations to suit each client’s specific interests and questions. I don’t use a cookie cutter system with any of my clients. I get to know their individual needs, interests, and concerns. This personalized approach demonstrates that I am actively listening and genuinely invested in addressing their unique concerns.

The ‘Gaze System’: Connecting Thoughtfully

Eye contact is a subtle yet powerful way to connect during conversations. I use what I call the ‘gaze system’—maintaining steady yet gentle eye contact to show engagement without making anyone feel uncomfortable. For instance, when discussing potential homes, I focus on maintaining eye contact when clients express their likes and dislikes, which encourages them to share more and helps me understand their needs better. During particularly challenging negotiations, keeping eye contact helps reassure my clients, contributing to a successful outcome by projecting confidence and stability.

Navigating Tone Challenges

Even the most experienced professionals can slip up with their tone. Recognizing when your tone may not have come across as intended and quickly addressing it is key. For example, if I catch myself sounding too forceful during a property showing, I’ll take a moment to soften my approach and clarify my intentions. This helps maintain a positive atmosphere and keeps the conversation on track. Another time, during a delicate discussion about loan options, my tone unintentionally came across as overly authoritative. I noticed the client’s discomfort and quickly adjusted to a more conversational and supportive tone, which helped put the client at ease and facilitated a more productive discussion about their financial choices.

Mastering the art of communication is crucial in real estate. It’s not just about what you say but how you say it that can make all the difference in building successful, lasting relationships. By being mindful of your tone and making each interaction meaningful, you can significantly enhance your professional interactions and client satisfaction.

Navigating your real estate journey should be a seamless and empowering experience. By choosing the right partner, armed with expert communication skills and a personalized approach, achieving your real estate dreams becomes not just a possibility, but a reality. Ready to take the next step with confidence and precision? Reach out to the Dekker Team and schedule your 15-minute clarity call today. Whether you’re searching for your dream home or an ideal investment property, we’re here to guide you with clarity and professionalism. Let’s connect and move you forward together. Email us at or call us at 613-860-4663.