Episode 145: Rediscovering the Joy of Reading

Would you consider yourself an avid reader or occasional reader? Perhaps you are like I was after I finished college, and I avoided books like the plague! Later, I’d develop a passion for reading and like many others, found it boosted my financial success! Not to mention relational and emotional growth as well.

In this episode of LIFE’s Inside Track, join Ken and Yetta to understand why so many of us read less than we’d like to and explore valuable insights and practical tips to reignite your passion for books. Watch this video to unlock the secret to a newfound appreciation for reading; your next great read might be just around the corner!

Why Many Adults Abandon Reading

What is the last great book you read? One statistic says 42% of North Americans stop reading after leaving post-secondary education. So, why do so many of us abandon the joy of reading as we step into the hustle and bustle of adulthood?

It’s a mystery worth solving, and we’re diving headfirst into the world of books and in this segment of LIFE’s Inside Track with Ken and Yetta, we’ll consider the reasons behind this startling trend. Watch this video as we unlock secrets behind what you can do to reignite your passion for reading.

Integrating Reading into Daily Life

Do you read to relax and unwind at the end of the day? Or is your goal in reading self-improvement or to learn more about the world? I went through dry spells where I just couldn’t find a book I was interested in reading. It felt like too much work, too much time, or even too boring. Luckily, there are things I did, and that you can do too, to reinvigorate your interest and help you get the most out of what’s available to you.

In this segment of LIFE’s Inside Track with Ken and Yetta, you’ll learn how to blend reading into your daily life, make it a family affair, and find the right book for you. Watch this video as we explore how to make reading a fun part of your daily routine and set you on a path to lifelong learning.

Game Changing Reading Strategies

Maybe the best thing about reading is the fact that you are tapping into the best and brightest insights of countless minds. When one considers how little access people had to books even 100 years ago, it’s staggering how much information is right at our fingertips, whether at a bookstore, audible, or our local libraries. Good books open doors to limitless knowledge and possibilities, particularly when we read effectively to retain the information.

In this segment of LIFE’s Inside Track, join Ken and Yetta as we discover how to read and apply what we learn so we can grow our finances, enrich our relationships, and expand our opportunities. Watch now to learn various reading strategies to transform our reading experiences, and in turn transform our lives.